Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Glad to be me

It has been a very long time since I have posted on my personal blog. Writing brings me peace and comfort, so I will be posting more often. Plus there is the added benefit that my family and friends can keep up with my adventures.

There are a lot of people on the planet, currently around 7.6 billion. Of those people there exists several subsets, my family, friends, colleagues, everyday strangers and then the large group of people I will never know or even see in person.

Since the title of this post makes it evident that I am happy with being me, and my family and friends are just that, which also makes me happy, let's discuss the colleagues......the majority of which I have the utmost respect for, although there exists within this subset some exceptions. For a significant period of time in my adult life I was not the best at letting go of things, subsequently carrying around a heavy, stinking burden due to my unwillingness to be forgiving.

As time passed, I began to learn life's lesson of letting go, forgiving others, and genuinely having a deep rooted sense of empathy for others. As I stated above, there are a couple of exceptions, there are a very small number of people I just do not like very much that I personally know. These are not family nor are they friends, and within that very small group there exists another subset of people.

This photo is perfect for the mood I was in while discussing "Turds"    

Two people in particular, and while I really do not like them very much, I have come to the conclusion that there are people that I do not like and there are these two turds. It pains me to think that a small group of people exists that I don't care for all that much, and perhaps sooner rather than later, one day I will forgive them and care about them with genuine empathy.

The two turds will not be forgiven, but they will be forgotten. They will not be a burden, nor weigh heavily on my heart, they will forever remain turds. Nothing in the world will change that. Once a turd, always a turd. I'm happy that there are only two turds out of the 7.6 billion people. I can live with that.

It is with great joy that for the remainder of my life I get to be myself and never have to see, hear or be in the company of these two turds. They earned their place and have to live in their skin, stuck being turds regardless of my place in life or opinions.

My goal is to not allow that subset of humanity to grow, even by one more human. For the remainder of my life I will be humble, forgiving and never forget that we all make mistakes and do not deserve to be categorized as permanent turds.

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